Attraction Synopsis For a new Location-Based Entertainment (LBE) concept, we present the fictional storyworld of HAVEN. HAVEN is an organisation and location all in one: the Hub for Alternative Visions in Environmental Nurturing. Its mission is unique. In the 1970s, a group of pioneers dedicated to finding ways to live in a more sustainable manner, cut themselves off from the distractions of the rest of the world. They went to work and live at HAVEN. Now, fifty years after the original group started, the current people of HAVEN are ready to welcome the outside world in. Guests may choose to immerse themselves into the storyworld to the extent that comes naturally to them. It’s possible to ignore any hints towards the backstory, and have a good time with an awe-inspiring tour through the labs, a surprising twist on the classic lasertag game, and the arcade hall featuring brand-new games. Should they so desire, though, guests will find an abundance of ways to discover more about HAVEN. Performers on stage tell tales and sing songs. Plaques on scale models reveal the history of each of the buildings. The souvenir shop offers books and comics containing the adventures of HAVEN’s brightest and boldest inhabitants. Guests can take up the role of recruits to join HAVEN. Their personal progress will be stored on their Discus, our interactive token. At many points throughout HAVEN, tapping the Discus will unlock personalised reactions from characters on what guests have experienced. We have designed HAVEN so that guests have a new place they’ll want to spend time in. There is room for fun and for reflection. For thrills and calm. For sharing a meal and finding cool collectibles. We really do intend for HAVEN to be a haven for those who are looking for one.


Team members: Daan van Genechten, Philip Corsius